In the period of greatest freedom in my life and at the height of my youth,
where I could choose another philosophy, a non-religious one commonly, or maybe
choose nothing and let my life lead me, like most young, I decided believes in reform theology. I've known about this for about five years,
but, in january, I became a member of a Presbyterian Church, which
believes in this theology fundamentally.
It is incredible how reformed theology changes your life. Concepts such as God's supremacy, predestination, and election are able to make you live complicated issues for a religion in a simple way, lead a less stressful life by knowing that God has control and, as if it were not enough, dealing with everyone around you with respect and love, without accusations, pressures or judgments, that is, reform brings a great education and worldview to people's lives too.
Well, I can stop here, but I must go on and show you the real motivation of this text and, as a summary, it is: the deep change that reformed theology is creating in me is destroying my life. WOW! What I said? That's it. It's destroying my life in one direction, let me finish! The meaningful transformation that I am living reveals the almost natural sins in me that I have to fight against every day. It's destroying my old self.
I know that growing up includes experiencing new things and having reflective moments, but it's not about reflections or experiences, it's about a new mind and a new life. It's a new way of living. Many times I find myself thinking of terrible things about people and about mine present and future - it is very difficult to relax in God and trust him totally. In addition, I search for a correct way to deal with complicated issues for religion as I mentioned.
The fact is: it's all crazy, actually. Basically, I'm just trying to be a young woman considering what the bible says: "How may a young man make his way clean? By guiding it after your word." (Pss 119:9); also, I'm trying to use my freedom, both personal and biblical, to act day by day according to Peter advices: "As those who are free, not using your free position as a cover for wrongdoing, but living as the servants of God." (1Pet 2:16); and a vision that connects these ideas is the reformed theology.
I can say the most important is I am reformed, cause being free is the consequence of being a christian and being young is a chronological phase of life. But, I can say more, I am reformed because of the freedom that Jesus conquered on the cross and only I am reaching a new character: his. Being so is wonderful! I can only thank Jesus! Your love has come to me and he have opened my eyes. I couldn't recognize that he is the Son of God, but the Spirit allows me.
"Though the world sees and soon forgets,
We will not forget who You are
And what you've done for us!"
(Jesus Culture)
"Ecclesia semper reformanda est."
(Karl Barth)